The SIOR Europe Chapter AGM will take place virtually on Teams at 4pm BST and 5pm CEST on Thursday, 15th May 2025.
This year we hold the meeting on line and with members in over twenty countries, we hope that most of you will be able to join on Teams.
ON-LINE REGISTRATION IN ADVANCE IS REQUIRED. The link to the event will be sent by separate email, only to those who have registered, closer to the date.
The SIOR Europe Chapter AGM will take place virtually on Teams at 4pm BST and 5pm CEST on Thursday, 16th May 2024.
This year we hold the meeting on line and with members in over twenty countries, we hope that most of you will be able to join on Teams. Click for the SIOR ERC AGM Notice & Agenda
ON-LINE REGISTRATION IN ADVANCE IS REQUIRED. The link to the event will be sent by separate email, only to those who have registered, closer to the date.
The SIOR Europe Chapter AGM will take place virtually on Zoom at 4pm BST and 5pm CEST on Thursday, 28th Septemer 2023.
Registration is necessary. Please email for further details.
The formal part of the meeting will be immediately followed by a fireside chat with incoming SIOR Global President David Lockwood SIOR and our very own Chapter Administrator Liana Toumazou. Please stay with us online following the adjournement of the meeting.
The SIOR Europe Chapter AGM will take place virtually on Zoom at 11am GMT and 12 noon CET on Friday, 28th January 2022.
Registration is necessary. Please email for further details.
The formal part of the meeting will be immediately followed by a fireside chat with SIOR Global President Patrick Sentner SIOR FRICS. Please stay with us online following the adjournement of the meeting.
By Order and on behalf of Iain Rackley, Honorary Secretary, of the SIOR European Chapter, our members are requested to attend our Annual General Meeting [AGM] to be held on Wednesday, 20th January 2021 at 18:00 CET via Zoom.
If you are a member, please contact us for a copy of the agenda and the minutes of the last AGM, held on 31st January 2020. Members’ questions must be submitted in writing to the Honorary Secretary by Friday 8th January 2021.
Note that you must register for the AGM to be able to attend, via Zoom.
Please register now using this link…